
Aliases: Vidarr Other Gods look with suspicion on Vidar Odinson because he is destined to avenge his father's death and to survive Ragnarok. Many modern Scions believe him to be a former Scion himself, elevated to godhood and immortality. He is a model and exemplar for many Scions of the Aesir. Yet as a God of vengeancevital and necessary in Nordic legend Vidar is not a nice fellow. He's stronger than all the Gods but Thor, he's more steadfast than Odin, and he's more patient than Loki in laying his plans. He's also an implacable enemy. Vidar sees his Scions as pawns who should serve his purpose before they die.

In modern times, as in the ancient, Vidar appears as a bearded man in his late 20s or early 30s, lean but well built. He takes on identities as diverse as police officer, detective, criminal prosecutor, Mafia hit man, gang leader, advertising executive, political hatchet-man, terrorist and cult leader. People who have met him tend to use such words as "obsessive," "paranoid" and "methodical" to describe him.

Vidar's Scions are driven, focused and methodical, though not usually paranoid at first. (That comes later.) Military backgrounds are common among Vidar's Scions, but almost as common are cutthroat businesspeople. These Scions hold grudges against even allies and can identify people with a need for revenge just by shaking hands with them. Some such Scions claim that a handshake compels them to pursue vengeance on that person's behalf; most see this as a thin justification for violence.