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From the Greek word (much to the annoyance of other, a pantheon is a group or family of Gods from a common culture. Despite their immortality, Gods rarely last very long on their own — not with the constant threat of the Titans. They serve as the main factions in Scion,and (nearly) every Scion or Denizen player character is linked to one, though exceptions do exist for solitary deities — Zalmoxis is the sole God of vampires and the Geto-Dacian people.

Most pantheons have settled in Godrealms in the Overworld, where they rest and send Incarnations down to live among mankind. Pantheons of Gods are associated with specific places and people within the World, places that share their values or where they were (and wor-shipped. Dozens of pantheons and solitary Gods spread influence throughout the World, though only a few have the power and influence to spread their influence across the varying cosmologies.

Each pantheon follows its own goals, and the differing philosophies of various pantheons has led to violent clashes over the centuries. Still, the great common thread linking the pantheons is their desire to keep the World and human-ity from falling into the hands of their immortal enemies, the Titans...although some pantheons have extraordinarily different views on how to accomplish this.

Other pantheons besides the 10 featured in this book exist, such as the Yazatas, the Gods of Persia who hold cen-turies-old grudges against multiple pantheons; the Palas, the saints and devils of Buddhism; and the Nemetondevos, the Gods of Gaul destroyed by Caesar in his bid to become the divine Divus Iulius. The World is as full of Gods as it is humanity.
