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Knacks & Callings



Name Duration Description
Innate Toolkit One Repair or Build Action You are always able to work your craft, regardless of whether or not you have the appropriate tools available. When you use your bare hands to build or create something that would otherwise require special equipment, you suffer no penalty or any kind of Injury.
Perfect Rendition One Scene You are a master artist, able to illustrate or recreate an image of a person, place, or object you have seen with photo-perfect clarity, allowing you to flawlessly identify suspects, create detailed maps, or forge signatures. You do this with-out needing to roll, and can recreate these things in scant instances. If something you observed has been obscured by a supernatural power, make a Clash of Wills.
Reverse Engineer (Epic) Objects When you take apart an object, you instantly gain an understanding of how to rebuild it, or create new versions.
The Unlimited Quartermaster One Building or Repair Action You never need to roll to acquire mundane crafting supplies, as you always know where and how to find them. Unless the item is exceedingly rare (or being blocked from access by a rival), you get what you need with little complication — this does not make materials cost less, or arrive any faster should they need to be transported to you. If someone or something is pre-venting you from acquiring materials, make a Clash of Wills.
We go all night - When working on a creative project, you can work without ceasing for as long as it takes to finish (Including Damage). After this period, you must rest for a day before resuming your work.
Wireless Interface One Scene Electronic devices respond to you without the need to touch them. They must be powered on and functional, but you can use any device in your line of sight. Depending on the GMs discretion this may not work for very large devices.


Name Duration Description
Afternoon of Fortnights One Build or Repair Action When you begin a creative project, make a (Crafts+Epic)-Roll. For each success earned on this roll you decrease the amount of time required to work on the project by one unit. Weeks → Days → Hours etc.
Lifted from Dust One Build or Repair Action When you built something you do not need the parts for it, you just need any raw matter.
Raise the Pillars of the Earth One Build or Repair Action Make a (Crafts + Epic) Roll with a malus of one for raising a structure the size of an arms reach, for two a small room, for three a large room, for four single floor of a house and for five a small house. You may distribute this matter movement over the remainder of the scene.
Touch of the Muses (Epic) Hours The Scion can recreate an Object and its functions completly aftter seeing a similar device once. He also can instantly copy an object up to (Epic) size. This Item crumbles to dust after (Epic) hours.



Name Duration Description
A Fortress Indefinite The Scion names a small building or a room as a fortress. As long as his charge is in it no one can attack from the outside and any attempts to get in will be sensed by the Scion immediatly.
A Purpose Condition The Scion states a purpose or a person he wants to protect. As long as they follow this purpose directly they may use half of their fate dice for it. When they fail it, the Fate dice pool gets doubled for (Epic) Sessions and they loose that benefit.
A Sentinel Indefinite The Scion can use the Senses of anyone who perceives their Charge and the perception of their charge. Supernaturals trigger a clash of wills.
A Talisman Indefinite Bless an object. The object grants (Epic) Rerolls for the person who wears it (except the scion).
A Vigil Condition When you stand guard over a person, place, or thing, you do not need to eat or sleep so long as your vigil persists. This benefit extends so long as the protected target remains within your sight. You may do other things but must devote most of your time to keeping your vigil. You may only keep vigil over one thing at a time.
A Warning Condition As long as the Scion protects their charge, they sense Danger before it emerges. They always know when they're about to be ambushed and if a person means any harm.


Name Duration Description
By your Side Indefinite Move to be next to someone you are protecting in an instant, regardless of the distance between you. You receive an innate warning whenever this Knack would come into play. Only pay once to activate this knack and after that to change your charge.
Eternal Guardian Condition Until the Person the Scion protects is back in safety the Scion cannot die, doesn't get tired etc. Note that any damage taken hits with full force after that.
Living Pillar Condition When you protect someone else with your body, you are immune to environmental hazards. This works as long as you keep your charge close (within arm’s reach). They benefit from the same immunity, but still need to eat, sleep, etc.
They cannot be touched Condition The Charge becomes immune to all physical damage in combat. As long as the Scion keeps them within (Epic) Meters and they don't fight themself. This Effect lasts until the next sunrise or sunset, even if the Scion dies.



Name Duration Description
The bare minimum (Epic) Patients You "cure" someone of his accumulated hunger and need to sleep
Combat Medic (Epic) Patients Auto Stabilize Target and Remove Last Damage Track
Damage Conversion (Epic) Patients Convert Lethal to Bashing Damage
Doctor's Kit (Epic) Patients Auto Stabilize Poison and Sickness
Immunization Booster (Epic) Months (Epic) Immunity to Poison/Sickness for up to (Epic) People
Instant Diagnosis (Epic) Patients When you spend time interacting with an ailing target, you diagnose what is wrong with him, as well as any other pertinent medical information. This counts as well as mental conditions. You also gain a general knowledge of how to help the subject.
Surgeon with the Hands of Gods (Epic) Patients Halve the time you need to undertake any kind of medical procedure (such as surgery). You never face any increased Difficulty to treat a critically ill or injured patient.


Name Durtion Description
Breath of Life Instant Resurrect a person that died within the last day and has an existing body. The target is revived with all damage cells filled with lethal damage, except for one.
Internal Refinery Next sunrise or sunset When exposed to a poison or disease instantly cure yourself. You then also generate a cure or antidote which you can secrete to heal other people.
Panacea Instant As long as you know the cure for a disease or the antidote for a poison you can generate (Epic) times 100 doses instantly.
Reconstruction (Epic) Patients Restore someone to their perfect Health.



Name Duration Description
Apex Predator Until confronting target Enemies need to make a (Resolve + Force) Roll with Epic Success to attack the Scion. If they fail they only can attack him if he does so first.
Eyes in the Blinds (Epic) Months Invest a fraction of your power into a small token. You have the power to sense the goings-on around the Token, as if you would be there yourself.
Internal Compass Until reaching destination You always know your precise direction. You do not ever have to roll to navigate somewhere, or to find your way out of being lost. If you are entrapped in a magical maze, make a Clash of Wills with 2 bonus dice.
Keen-Eyed Predator Instant When you enter a Place, you extend your senses to determine what might await you. You may ask following questions: What kinds of hazards (such as terrain) are present? Where is the nearest exit? Where is the safest way in? How many hostile enemies are present? Who (or what) is the biggest threat?
Most Dangerous Prey Until confronting target Choose a Target(A person or a creature). When you pursue your target, gain (Epic) times 2 Speed or your Targets + 2, whichever is higher. Subtract (Epic) from any perception roll your target makes against you.
Silence in the Woods Until confronting target When pursuing a target, you make no noise at all, adding +2 Enhancement to avoid detection based on hearing/sound (including things that can perceive vibrations without specifically hearing) and to set up ambushes. This Enhancement applies before you roll. Recording equipment is also unable to pick up your sound. This also extends to your weapons and anything you use directly.
It's a Trap! Condition The hunter can make (Epic) times 2 Traps invisible. This lasts until they are triggered.


Name Duration Description
Always There Until confronting target Always know where your target is and the best way to get to it. Places and objects are allowed. Alternativly end this knack and teleport to the target.
Perfect Camouflage Until confronting target Optical Invisibility and the Ability to walk through walls. Magic to detect or stop you invokes a Clash of Will.
Relentless Until target is overcome While pursuing a target the Hunter doesn't take any damage, gets tired etc. until the target is overcome. Note that any damage taken hits with full force after that.
Send the Pack Until target is overcome Employ a pack of shadow creatures which help you hunt down your prey(They resemble one kind of animal). You and your hunting party are immune to hunger, thirst and exhaustion until your target is overcome. The Creatures can talk and have simple human intelligence. The Scion summons (Epic) Creatures, they use a dice pool of (Epic) times 2, have Health of 4 + (Epic) and get one special trait connected to their kind(Player's Choice).



Name Duration Description
Eye for an Eye 8 Hours When you suffer an Injury inflict the same Injury on the target that attacked you. The target must have attacked you directly; you cannot reflect attacks that targeted someone else.
Indisputable Analysis 8 Hours The Judge observes their surroundings and instantly knows every crime the people around them have committed (according to their law system).
Lie Detector 8 Hours You cannot be lied to and instantly sense when someone tries to hide something.
Objection! Instant Stop everyone in earshot for Epic Rounds to think. Any hostility will end this effect. Supernaturals get a Clash of Wills.
On the Case Instant Get (Epic) Clues on how to solve your stated case.
Quick Study Instant Gain Information from (Epic) Sources, one being equivalent of one book. You can't forget it.
The truth arises 8 Hours As long as the Scion tell the truth everyone listening to them knows that everything what they say is nothing bu the truth


Name Duration Description
Bound by Oath Indefinite When someone swears an oath to you to perform a task of your choosing, you bind it with your choice of swearing ceremony. As long as they work towards the sworn oath, they gain (Epic) time 3 dice that work like a fate dice pool for the character. If the target breaks your oath, the Game Master gets to use fate dice against the character equal to the fate dice pool of the Scion minus any leftovers from before.
I am the Law Instant The Scion rolls (Presence + Epic) vs (Resolve + Force) of a perpetrator. If they win, the perpetrator accepts a punishment the Judge decides for a crime they have committed.
The Pain of Dishonesty 8 Hours If someone lies in the Presence of the Judge and the Judge decides to punish them, every damage the liar receives get upgraded one tier, until they correct their lie. While using this knack the Judge instantly senses a lie and intentional half truths count as lies.
Terror of the Guilty 8 Hours Anyone guilty of a wrongdoing of your choosing cannot bear to be in your presence and will flee in panic and terror or break down weeping and confessing. To apply this to supernaturals, win a Clash of Wills.



Name Duration Description
One for all and all for one! One Mission With this Knack the Scion can strengthen the bond of their followers. The Followers become unable to attack each other in any way (even verbally). Also they will always try to help each other if asked directly.
Sir, yes Sir! One Mission As long as the Scion leads a group, no one dares to dispute their authority. Whenever they state a direct order their group has to follow it. (Clash of Wills only if the Supernatural activly counters the power)
Good Listener One Mission The Scion becomes a beacon of trust for his team. They openly tell him anything about them and he is there first to stop when they need help. (He works as a Touchstone) Should the Scion ever betray a member of his team, his Fate dice pool doubles until the member forgives him or his Epic rises one Level.
Grand Entrance One Mission When the Scion beats another Leader he immidiatly is recognized as the interim successor of the beaten leader.
Lighthouse of Society One Scene In a tense, heated, or chaotic situation, you stand as a beacon of certain leadership. Your presence is a bulwark against fear and panic. As long as a crowd has not been frightened directly by magical means, you can get a group of people to act calm and do as you ask (such as evacuating a dangerous area) in an orderly fashion without needing to roll. A supernatural situation requires a Clash of Wills. For example, if an enemy Scion of Eris sows panic into a crowd of mortals so they’ll bolt and trample each other, a roll would be made against her. If Poseidon creates a tidal wave that happens to scare people because natural disasters are terrifying, a roll would not be made against him.
Perfect Poise One Mission As long as the Scion is leading his team he has a perfect Pokerface. He can show any emotion he likes and any attempt to read his Body language only brings up what he chooses. The Scion can share this power with any member of his Team in sight.


Name Duration Description
Uncle Sam needs you! One Mission The Scion may recruit up to (Epic) Strangers for his Mission. As long as they weren't hostile towards him or aren't anymore they will treat him as their leader and try to help accomplish the mission.
Everyone gets to go home Condition The Scion takes any damage his Team would get or has. He can not die from it until the mission is finished but suffers any negative effects of it, including pain.
Masterful Efficiency One Mission The Scion establishes a telephatic connection between the members of the team. Everyone can send any information to the others and the leader is able to control members of his team.
Not Today, Friends One Mission When the Scion commands others they do not quit until the set task is done (Do not get afraid, tired, hungry, dissuaded).



Name Duration Description
Just passing through Condition The User will be forgotten and as long as he doesn't take hostile action he will be ignored completly, until he arrives at his destination. If magic senses recognized him, trigger a Clash of Wills.
Complete Privacy Until next Surise of Sunset By reinforcing the importance of your personal boundaries, any interactions you take cannot be listened in on, your lips cannot be read, your phone can’t be tapped, etc. by use of mundane means. This protects only against covert attempts to invade your privacy and offers no protection against airport security going through your luggage or rivals breaking into your apartment.
Experienced Traveler Until the Scion arrives at their destination The Scion always knows the important things for his travels (Money, Hotels, Language, Public Buildings...). The Scion knows which language is spoken in the area but can't necessarily speak it.
Godly camping Until the Scion arrives at their destination The Scion does not get attacked by nature while traveling (Weather, Animals, etc.). Note that attacked animals will still fight back and things like someone beating the Scion with a tree will still hurt.
Neither the Minute nor the Hour Until the Scion arrives at their destination The Scion rolls (Dexterity + Epic). For every sucess he may lower his traveltime by one unit. Weeks → Days → Hours
Unerring Delivery (Epic) Messages Send a message via another person — a stranger you choose on the street, a spirit or ghost of your pantheon, etc. — to someone in an instant, which can be done even if you are not present in the World, or somewhere else where a simple text or email might not reach.
The long road to anywhere Condition You make an extended journey without stopping but must rest upon arrival. When you arrive, you can ask hospitality of anyone. This effect stops if you attack the person.


Name Duration Description
Instant Travel Until the Scion arrives at their destination The Scion doesn't need time to travel unless he gets stopped.
Jim always lived next door Indefinite After arriving at his destination the Scion claims an empty room, house or flat. As long as he lives there, everyone will believe that he always was part of the community and he knows instinctivly how to behave to fit in. The Scion may additionally take a free job, a family or partner that is single or wants to be. Note that fate may use this against him.
Pierce the Veil Instant Go into any supernatural realm anywhere. The liminal need some kind of doorway to use this ability. He can travel there and back with one activation.
Skip One Scene When you take a Move action, cross the distance instantly. This movement ignores hazardous and difficult terrain and crosses distance where there may not be a safe place to walk — such as across a chasm. So long as you can see your destination and it is within a distance you can Move, you appear there unharmed.



Name Duration Description
Fluid Appeal Indefinite The Scion chooses a person and becomes the absolut embodiment of beauty for her. This includes every aspect of the Scion, even his sex.
I am a Fire (Epic) Nights You stoke the affection one person has towards another - including yourself — which impels them towards a sexual affair. Unless the affected person wins the Clash he will believe the "adventure" was his idea and will remember it fondly. Supernaturals roll a Clash of Wills ((Presence+Epic) vs (Force+Composure)).
Lover's Intuition Instant When touching another character, which may be as brief as a handshake, you gain an understanding of your target’s romantic life. Ask all following Questions: Who or what does the character love? Who is the character romantically involved with? Who is the character close to? Who would the character like to be romantically involved with?
On your Side Indefinite The Scion chooses a person that already likes them. For this person they become the center of trust, what the Scion says goes period. The Scion could convince the person of virtually anything. This ability stops to work if the person gets hurt and/or almost dies because of what the scion said.
Not a Fighter One Scene When you are engaged in a fight, as long as you do not make attacks, enemies will not target you directly with their attacks.
Perfect Partner Indefinite Telepathic Link to a Character. The person has to like you first.
Soothing Presence One Scene Any person in sight of the scion looses the ability to get angry or stressed in any way and as long as they are not in a fight they also automatically relax completly.


Name Duration Description
Center of Attention One Party You’re where the people want to be. You are a centrifuge of social attention, automatically pulling anyone into your social wake. If you are at a party and need to meet someone of political or social importance, they are there. Clash of Wills for Supernaturals, always works on Gods of your own Pantheon. Doesn't work for mortals or supernaturals who could not get to the Place. The Person will be happy to meet you.
For you, I will One Task Gain full Willpower and a Birthright (GM decides what and if the task is worthy) when you impress your lover or the lover of anyone else with something they asked for from their respective lover. Depending on the task the Scion may also gain Legend with a Bonus equal to Epic.
Hearts Aflame Indefinite The Scion may connect two individuals as soulmates. They are fate-bound the moment this power gets activated and will always find their way to each other even if they didn't meet until now. An if one of them dies, the other will fall into depression until he either dies or falls in love with another person. (Only after they first met)
Lover's Oath Indefinite You and a consenting partner enter into an agreement to bind yourselves together forever as lovers. Both parties spend a Point of Force. From that moment on, it takes only a moment’s concentration to know the location and general state (emotional wellbeing, health, etc.) of your partner. You have the option to accept Injuries for the other, and can imbue points of Legend for each other’s abilities (assuming your partner has a pool of Legend to pull from). This is a pact that binds you together by Fate, and while it does not necessarily have to be made out of romantic love, ill fortune befalls those who mistreat their partner whom they have sworn an oath to before the Gods. You know how to get to them and may use their fuel attribute for yourself.



Name Duration Description
Blockade of Reason (Epic) times You readily deflate the arguments of hucksters and con men with a sharp application of reason, or blunt denial (usually calling out the person for what they are trying to do). Targets cannot trick, coerce, swindle, or con you, and any supernatural attempts to do so trigger a Clash of Wills.
Master of the World (Epic) times The Scion either instantly knows how to operate a machine or an invention of any kind or gets a tip from the Storyteller of how to operate a situation in the best and most logical way.
Palace of Memory (Epic) Scenes Relive a Scene up to (Epic) times like you are there again. Death restarts the Simulation and you may not leave the scene.
Presence of Magic (Epic) times You always know when you are near an object or place of true magical or sacred power. How this manifests is up to you. Ask the Storyguide if an object is magical or sacred, and she must tell you honestly “yes” or “no.” This bypasses the need to make any kind of Occult roll to identify a place or object of magical or sacred power. You also gain basic information about what it is and what it does.
Office Hours (Epic) times When someone approaches you with a problem that you can not solve or have no Idea how to solve. You can choose any other mental skill for your Teamwork test and add Epic.
Omniglot Translation (Epic) hours When you converse in or read a foreign language, your communication is flawless, without a trace of an accent. You can turn out translations in your native language in a matter of minutes without needing to roll. If you want to translate First Tongue or High Speech spend one extra legend.
Multi Talent Variable Choose on other heroic knack from any calling.


Name Duration Description
Cipher (Epic) Hours You are never stumped by any codes or encryptions set in place by a character of a lower Tier. When you converse in or read a foreign language, your communication is flawless, without a trace of an accent. You can turn out translations in your native language in a matter of minutes without needing to roll. Any mundane attempt to decrypt a message encrypted by the scion fails. Supernatural Attempts trigger a Clash of Wills. Can decrypt messages they encrypted themselves even without the password.
Eternal Genius Indefinite The Storyteller tells the Scion (from a momentary point of view) the most probable conclusion of the current story. And as long as he doesn't try to change that he can use half of his fate dice for himself.
Immortal Mastermind One Plan When you devise a Plan any participant on your side instantly knows what he has to do according to Plan. You constantly know if the plan is working and are able to change it accordingly.
Overworld Knowledge Instant Make a (Intelligence+Epic)-Roll. For each success ask the storyteller one question concerning the events transpiring.



Name Duration Description
Blather and Skite (Epic) times Roll (Manipulation + Subterfuge + Epic) vs (Composure + Force) to gain (Epic) Minutes of in-Game time in which the person is distracted. This does not work in combat.
Why so serious Until the target tells a joke The target of this knack looses the ability to be taken serious. Anything and everything he says will interpreted as a joke. Target can not do anything to convince the people around him of what he says.
The fish trick (Epic) times The Scion may interchange the position of two items (he can see) up to (Epic) size instantly. The items cannot be anything living and as long as a supernatural character holds one of the items he gets a clash of wills.
Rumor Miller (Epic) times Your lies catch on like wildfire, and you need only make the smallest post on social media to get a wild rumor circulating.
Smoke and Mirrors Instant When you would be Taken Out, negate the damage that would have taken you out and move (Speed) away from your attacker. The after-image of you crumbles to dust.
Takes one to know one Until next sunset or sunrise The Scion takes a characters ability to communicate the truth away, even in written word or with body language.
Wasn't me One Session When you do something with legal or social consequences, you delay the consequence by transferring blame to someone else. This effect stays for one session, but may be delayed further by spending one Legend per Session. Once the delay ends anyone realizes they've been tricked and will likely seek revenge. Supernatural Ways to detect the truth invoke a Clash of Wills.


Name Duration Description
Doppelgaenger (Epic) Days Make an exact copy of yourself. The copy has all your attributes, skills and epic attributes and has to obey you. You always know if it was successful or not.
One Man's Trash Condition Make an ordinary piece of junk seem extraordinarily rare and valuable. This item will sell or trade as if it had value 5, until someone compares it something similar. If magic ways to detect the truth are used, invoke a Clash of Wills.
Surprise, Motherfucker! Instant Voluntarily be Taken Out (for all intents and purposes, you appear to be dead or unconscious) and come back later, unharmed, at any point in time during the session to make a surprise attack or otherwise set up an ambush. If someone has seen you pull this trick before, it doesn't work again. If it would better suit you, you may return dramatically in the middle of a social scene instead. In this case the power works as long as one Person is involved that has not seen this Trick yet.
Woven from Lies The Trickster can invent a complete person and as far the story goes everyone that should know this person, is sure to do so and will act accordingly. After one day the person will take shape. Note that fate will see to it that the person gets a role in the scheme of things, after all some stories begin to have a life of their own. If the person should be killed everyone will forget him within one week unless they win at a clash of wills.



Name Duration Description
The Biggest Thread One Fight When you make a show of force or intimidate your enemy, the target must focus its efforts on dealing with you first.
Close the Gap! Instant You can "jump" to an enemy to start a fight, anywhere within your sight.
Death by Teacup One Fight When you use an improvised weapon, it becomes as deadly as anything designed for the job. It deals (Epic) Lethal Damage.
Enhanced Impact One Fight Whenever you successfully deal Damage inflict the knocked-down tilt on the victim and push the target net-success meters into a direction of your choosing.
Master of Weapons One Session At the beginning of the session, choose one of your weapons to be your favored weapon. When you use your favorite weapon add epic dice to your pool and apply the rote quality.
Trick Shot One Session Negate any penalty for ranged shots. The Scion does not need to see the target for his shot as long as the barriers between them are incapable of stopping the bullet.
Tempered One Fight The Scion gets +4/+4 Armor and every melee attack against him either destroys any mundane weapon or deals (Epic) Damage to the attacker. Projectiles get reflected off of him and hit the shooter with an (Epic) dice attack.


Name Duration Description
Army of One One Fight When you fight outnumbered, you do not take any penalties or increased difficulty that being outnumbered would cause. You gain twice your Epic bonus dice which you may distribute across actions in this fight.
Hurl to the Moon One Fight The Scion can use anything up to his own size as a thrown weapon with Damage modificator of Size Lethal.(?)
Perfect Defense One Fight The Scion gets a Defense Bonus of (Epic) dice and may use his defense against Firearms and in all Situations.
They're Everywhere One Fight The Scion can attack anyone in sight regardless of the method of attack without any penalties for distance and cover. He does not need to see his enemies either, as long as they rolled initiative and are part of the fight.