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Epic Attributes

Epic Intelligence

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Intelligence.

Innate Power: The Scion gets (Epic) * 2 free dots in mental skills and may use the rote quality for every one of those. (The Scion may lift a mental skill with this power above its natural maximum)

Epic Wits

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Wits.

Innate Power: Your Senses are heightened, as such you gain a "sonar sense" for (Epic) * 10 meters and get a bonus of (Epic) to all perception rolls. Note that this may help you catch liars by listening to their heartbeat, smelling their fear and other such tiny hints others would not notice.

Epic Resolve

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Resolve.

Innate Power: The Scion has sculpted his mind into a fortress. He is immune to any mental influence, supernatural or not.

Epic Strength

This Purview encompasses the divine might of the Gods. It is supreme raw physical power, allowing those Scions with Epic Strength to utterly overwhelm their lessers by force of arms, accomplish deeds of impossible strength, or show up any gym rat who dares try to out lift them.

Innate Power: The Scion is able to lift and handle anything up to (Epic+1) times (size) in Size. This also means that the Scion is able to lift himself indefinitly (lift himself up from a ledge or climb a mountain) and carry anything he can lift as long as he wants. Note that this doesnt mean the Scion doesnt sacrifice his field of view or movability because of the bulk. You also gain +(Epic) Strength.

Epic Dexterity

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their speed, agility, and precision, elevating mortal action to feats of Legend. It encompasses the impossible swiftness of fleet-footed deities, and miraculous feats of grace and agility.

Innate Power: So long as you continue to move towards a destination, you walk, run, or leap with effortless grace. Any surfaces solid or liquid hold your weight as if you weighed no more than a feather, and you may effort-lessly scale or descend vertical surfaces without a need for a handhold. You can also apply your full defense against firearms. +(Epic) Speed.

Epic Stamina

This Purview encompasses the vitality, endurance, and resilience of invincible warriors and legendary ascetics, im-mortals among immortals. A Scion with this Purview can withstand deadly weapons and overwhelming danger as a mortal might ignore a housefly, and draw on nigh-infinite reserves of vital energy.

Innate Power: You are immune to poison and disease unless they come from a source whose Legend is equal or greater than yours, and never face Complications or risk death from hunger, thirst, or exhaustion. You gain +(Epic) Stamina.

Epic Presence

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Presence.

Innate Power: When the Scion gets this epic attribute he has to choose between love and respect.
Love: The Scion gets the ability to seduce virtually anyone no matter their standing, gender or personal preference. When the Scion starts to woo someone he either automatically gets an exceptional success if the target already finds him attractive or he gets a normal dice throw which if successfull wins anyone over. Note that this is in no manner real mind control. Even if the target wants the Scion, he can still make his own decisions and even act against the Scion. (Worst Case: Try to rape the Scion) Any Individal in search of or open for romance that encounters the scion will choose him over any other alternative anytime (except for another scion with the same power)
Respect: The Scion will always be met with respect. If someone tries to treat him with obvious disrespect he has to roll Willpower against the Scions Presence. If the roll fails he cannot treat the Scion disrespectful. Note that this doesn't mean the Scion can't be attacked or even killed by the person in question, he just has to do it politly. Any person you have any authority over has to listen to your orders.

Epic Manipulation

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Manipulation.

Innate Power: When you tell someone a fact they will believe it and not stop believing it whatever anyone says. Supernaturals get a clash of wills, with the unchangability of this fact staying for (Epic) Days for supernaturals of higher force than you and for an unlimited duration with anyone on a lower or the same level as you.

Epic Composure

This Purview defines the prowess of Gods renowned for their Composure.

Innate Power: With epic composure the scion is able to control his emotions almost completly. He can block out fear anger or any other emotion for that matter. Only the most extreme cases can lead to a roll, if the Storyteller decides so. You gain a second action per round, you may take this action any time during the initiative order after yourself.