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The Mages who fall under the Obrimos Path are those who awaken to the Aether, the realm of naked power.  It is a world where power suffuses everything, where anything seems to be more “real” and more vibrant than anything that the Fallen World can hope to be.  It is little wonder then that those who awaken to this Path feel that they are chosen or destined to uplift this world to something greater.  They’ve had a glimpse of greatness, and they want to make it real.

Interestingly, those who often get called to the path of the Obrimos are those who are used to conflict.  They are fighters and firebrands, crusaders that bear their own inner light.  This does not end with just literal soldiers, but also those who carry the torch for other causes.  Priests, scholars, human rights activists, anyone with a point to prove and the will to go out and make that point are  potential Obrimos.

As torchbearers and illuminators, it is no surprise that the Obrimos command the Arcana of Prime and Forces:

Prime is the arcana of magic itself, allowing for the manipulation of spells and Mana.  A Prime mage is the ultimate equalizer, as they are capable of sensing whenever magic is in play, even if they can’t always identify which Arcana is being used.  Add the ability to dispel or counter opposing spells and the Prime mage can often neutralize an opponent by taking away the tools that they rely on.

Combat against a Prime mage is frustrating, as effects are countered, Mana siphoned and long standing enchantments made useless.  A cunning Prime mage might not even appear to be a mage, as their manipulations of their own Aura can make them resemble a normal bystander mortal caught in the conflict.  By the time you figure out who they were, their teammates would have assaulted your now no longer existing defenses.

Forces is the Arcana that almost needs no introduction.  Lightning, fire, sound, light, gravity, motion, heat, radiation… all of these fall under the purview of the Forces arcana.  A Forces mage can be infinitely versatile, capable of tapping into alternate wavelengths of vision to find opponents who might be relying on darkness or other means to hide their presence.  Imparting motion, or transmuting one type of energy to another can be used in all sorts of situations to startle and confuse the enemy.

A Forces mage is a fearsome foe in combat.  Guns fail, or explode spectacularly when fired, while the Forces mage calls lighting from his fingertips, or hurls fire upon his foes.  While trickery is still the norm for mage combats, the Forces mage pushed to using Vulgar effects can slaughter opponents in short order.