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As mentioned in yesterday’s post, we’re moving on to discuss some of the core principles behind Magic for Mage: the Awakening.  Unlike it’s predecessor, Mage: the Awakening assumes that there is one unified Awakened Magical Theory that serves as the backbone for all magic.  While different traditions, cultures and paradigms may have different names and practices which can influence the way this magic takes shape, it all ultimately comes back to Awakened Magic.

While other supernaturals may have magics and powers that they may channel, these are considered to be a separate form of phenomena, as Awakened Magic must cleave to certain behaviors, mainly:

  • Awakened Magic is drawn down from the five Supernal Realms
  • Awakened Magic is capable of incurring a Paradox
  • Awakened Magic cannot be taught to someone who has not experienced an Awakening

Therefore various powers from other Supernaturals do not fall under this category, and are therefore not considered Awakened Magic.

The one advantage that Awakened Magic has over other supernatural phenomena is the fact that a Mage is not nailed down to a specific effect.  Mages are adaptable and unpredictable, capable of surprising their opponents with anything as subtle as using Matter magic to make a gun misfire to as vulgar as using Forces Magic to call down lightning from the heavens to strike down an assailant.

The Supernal Realms are the very source of Awakened Magic.  Without visiting them during an Awakening, it is impossible to channel their power and cast spells.  According to Mage lore, there are Five Supernal Realms:

  • Arcadia – Connected to the Watchtower of the Lunargent Thorn, Realm of Fate and Time
  • Pandemonium – Connected to the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet, Realm of Mind and Space
  • Stygia –  Connected to the Watchtower of the Lead Coin, Realm of Death and Matter
  • the Aether – Connected to the Watchtower of the Golden Key, Realm of Prime and Forces
  • the Primal Wild – Connected to the Watchtower of the Stone Book, Realm of Spirit and Life

When a person Awakens, their soul travels to one of these Supernal Realms, and eventually finds their soul drawn to one of the Watchtowers.  There the Mage makes their mark, either carving out their name on the walls or some other symbolic gesture to seal a contract, cementing their connection to the Supernal Realms, and its magic.

The Supernal Realm that the Mage visits has a profound effect on their soul, as it colors their proficiency with certain Arcana.  Some would say that it is the nature of the Mage’s soul that determines which Supernal Realm they find, as each Realm seems to call to a different sort of personality.  Many, if not all Mages which find themselves in Pandemonium, for example, exhibit a strong sense of conviction.