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Sympathetic Connection/Sympathtetic Range/Sympathy

Sympathetic Strength Description Withstand (Connection) Withstand (Sympathetic Range)
Connected The two subjects are metaphysically one e.g. a mage and her familiar or soul stone. The connection is unassailable without Unmaking magic and casting using the connection is not Withstood. 5* 0
Strong The two subjects are closely metaphysically linked; a woman and her lifelong spouse, a mage and his dedicated magical tool or an item she has imbued, a Legacy mentor and her student, best friends, parents, children, bodily samples (blood, locks of hair,) murder weapons. 3 1
Medium The two subjects are linked; a mage and her own spells, items marked with a mage's Signature nimbus, friends, siblings, lovers, items of emotional significance like medals, wedding rings, a soldier's weapon, or a sports- woman's bat. 2 2
Weak The two subjects have barely touched one another metaphysically; the subjects of a mage's spells, or items she has used as Yantras. Casual acquaintances, coworkers, replaceable belongings. 1 3
  • “Connected” sympathy may only be removed with Unmaking spells.
    When affecting links with magic, each connection is treated as a subject for purposes of spell factors. For example, a spell that dampens a sympathetic connection can dampen multiple connections by increasing the Scale factor